Thursday, September 20, 2007

South Florida Bass Fishing 9-19-07

We'll we're leaving tonight for Brazil for monster Peacock Bass. But before I left I had to visit the Florida Everglades one more time to see if the largemouth bass were still biting. We did quite well considering the water levels are still up slightly. I'll be posting the peacock bass reports on the Amazon river on Sept 30, with all the great fishing. These pictures can be seen also at the above website when I return. As far as the size fish we caught I was quite happy. We boated in half-day of fishing 8 bass up to 6 lbs. with a total of 24 lbs. with our best 5 fish. The peacock bass and largemouth bass will continue to be good as long as the hurricane rainy season stays dry like it's been. If South Florida peacock bass interests you visit the websites in the side toolbar.