Sunday, January 13, 2008

Amazon Peacock Bass Fishing Bookings

Booking trips to the Amazon for Peacock Bass can be risking and rewarding for outfitters and their respective agents. Peacock Bass fishing is solely dependant upon low water levels that don't flood the jungle. Make sure while shopping around for outfitters your agent fully explains what may take place. In many instances you'll be offered to reschedule your trip which will make a much more pleasurable fish catching experience. Your better agents and outfitters are looking to please peacock bass fisherman on their first experience in the Amazon. My first trip to Brazil was quite enjoyable but the fishing was lousy but I didn't have to pay for the trip either. A full paying customer would be highly disappointed at the experience as far as the fishing was concerned. My outfitting company was so good that they offered me an all expense paid trip again, the problem is the airfare isn't cheap! But if that's all I have to pay I consider that a bargain! Just remember to discuss these situational problems with your agent/outfitter before booking to fully understand the fishing conditions for the times of year your considering traveling to the Amazon. Then you'll be aware and will probably come back year after year to enjoy the awesome power of the Amazon Peacock Bass. For more information on fishing the Amazon for Peacock Bass contact me by e-mail at or visit some of my favorite websites on the side blog roll. Or you may call us at (954) 445-1811